Data Security Notice
We seriously take care for the security of your personal data. We keep your personal data confidently and we behave according existing European data security laws and according this data security notice.
Which data do we record and what do we do with them
You can read our website without getting a request from our site for personal data.
But for the order process, we need a few personal data from you, such as: Name, Address, Email-Address. When you fill the order form, you give us these data consciously. We do not forward these data to any third party, without your permission
There is one exception, when you use paypal as payment method. For performing the payment procedure we must forward your order content, including your address data to paypal. You do accept these data forwarding consciously, when you use payment via paypal.
Important notice: Data transfer in the internet (e.g. communication with email) can always show some data security issues. An absolutely perfect protection of data against a third party is practically not possible.
Our webshop software uses cookies. Cookies do not damage your computer and do not content any virus. Cookies sind kleine Dateien, die über Ihren Browser auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden. Cookies are small files, which are stored by your browser on your computer. Cookies content some settings and data, which are used by our shop software. If you do not allow cookies in your browser settings, our shop software may not work correctly. You can delete cookies in your browser settings. There you can also activate the automatic delete function of cookies, when you close your browser session.
Our provider records and stores automatically some data in so called log-files. These data are sent by your browser by default:
These data cannot be directly connected to a person. We do not combine these data with other data sources. But we might check these data in case of a hint for a criminal behavior.
Contact Form
If you contact us over the contact form on our website, we get the content and the contact information of this form via email. We do not forward these data to any third party, without permission from your side.
For the transmission of confidentially content, our website uses SSL-encryption. An indicator for an encrypted connection is the change from „http“ to “https“ in the address line of the browser. In addition, there is a lock symbol shown in the address line of the browser. SSL-encryption blocks any third party from spying your data transmission to us.
Right for information, changing and deleting of your personal data
Recht auf Auskunft und Löschung
You have the right to get any time and free of charge information about your stored personal data and information what we are doing with them. You have also the right that we correct the data, or delete the data on your request. If there is a must for storage of the data by law (such as tax issues), we must keep your data as long as it is necessary to fulfill these laws.
If you have any questions about the stored personal data or their data security, feel free to contact us. Contact data are shown in our imprint of the website.