Belt (Replica):
279585 "S", special made according Dualfred specifications
Substitute for Dual Part Number:
Used in Dual Models (without guarantee):
CS750, CS750-1, CS5000, Golden 1, Golden Stone, Silver Stone
The Dual models, listed above, are very sensitive regarding belt tension and belt material. Therefore we created a belt with dimensions very near to the original Dual dimensions. This is not the case for most of the available replica belts. The belt width is 4mm only, like the original belt. The belt diameter is choosen in a way, that the belt sits just with minor tension at the belt drive diameter of the platter. Like it was with the original Dual belt. Also the belt thickness is only 0.5mm, like the original belt. This creates very low friction losses during operation.
So this belt is the best choice, if you would like to reach the performance values as originally planned from Dual.